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Perspectives. Qualified management. Motivation.

Our company employs hundreds of various specialists. Continuous development of production program and increasing production capacities leads to demand for corresponding personnel increase and improving their qualification.

There is an increasing demand for qualified staff members dealing with project preparation and implementation, distributing and marketing of our products.

Our company gives an opportunity for students and graduates of Kaliningrad and other universities to undergo internship training at Baltkran. Many of those students become Baltkran personnel members and develop professionally alongside with the company.

There are training programs aimed at raising the level of personnel's skill and assisting starting staff members. Baltkran's also implements different training courses at various colleges, universities, and retraining centers. There is an opportunity for personnel to have internship training at various domestic and foreign enterprises.

Personal motivation of staff members is achieved by informing personnel about current company's activities, aims of production program, investments, innovations, references about Baltkran's lifting equipment. Career is one of the main concerns not only for single staff member but for management as well. There is a real opportunity for every personnel member to be promoted.